- Confirm the dates of your move and the first day you are to report to your position. Then create a calendar with your family to start the planning process.
- Contact a local real estate agent to put your home on the market and contact a trusted realtor in San Antonio, like VIP Realty, to begin your home search in San Antonio. Then, schedule a trip to San Antonio to begin house hunting.
- While you are in San Antonio, take the time to look at schools and recreational activities for you and your family. If you can’t bring your family with you on your trip to San Antonio, take your camera along and take many pictures to keep your family in the loop.
- About two months before your move, begin preparing a comprehensive list of everyone you will need to contact regarding your move. Everything from your newspaper delivery service and creditors to friends and family will need to be notified of your move.
- Stop by your local post office to pick up a mover’s guide and change-of-address forms.
- With the help of your family, start making decisions regarding what can go and what will go with you. If you have the time, hold a yard sale. Begin packing things you don’t need right now so that the packing process will not be overwhelming for everyone.
- Once you have found a new home in San Antonio, contact your children’s school to have all records transferred to their new school. Contact the new school and get them registered. In addition, contact their physician and have their records transferred to a new physician in San Antonio.
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