VIP Realty is looking for Motivated Individuals to Join our Successful Real Estate Team

Our real estate team is growing by leaps and bounds, and we are currently on the hunt for only the most highly motivated individuals to join our team! Are you currently in the real estate field and you are experiencing frustration over the inflexibility and the unfair commission plans that are being offered to you? If so, then you owe it to yourself to see why VIP Realty is far different than other real estate companies.

We have a proven track record of success, and our agents are some of the top earners in the field. If you desperately want to control your own destiny and custom-fit your real estate business then VIP Realty is the company for you!

  • Our innovative commission plans allow our realtors to decide how much – or how little – assistance they need from us. From there on, they can customize a plan to suit their needs and wants. It’s as simple as that! Simply put, you are in charge when it comes to your commission plan.
  • Start networking and revenue sharing and change your career now! VIP Realty allows you to begin building a residual stream of income by sponsoring new agents. You can begin to enjoy the multi-tiered web of growth that has made so many VIP Realty agents successful.
  • Start off your career right with VIP Realty’s dynamic marketing services. Our large Internet presence will allow you to drive your business through excellent lead generation so that you y experience only the highest revenues.
  • Stop waving your hard-earned commissions good-bye and instead keep them! Our unique system allows us to cut down on costs and allow you to maintain more of your commission. Instead of branding our image, we use the money to market our agents. So, instead of watching your commission return back to the real estate company for their gains, keep your commission and watch your revenues soar!
Posted by Richard Soto on
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