The Importance of Obtaining a Mortgage Pre-Approval

Before you begin looking at homes in your neighborhood or dreaming about the lovely Cape Cod on the corner, you must first find out whether owning a home is realistic at this point in your life. And to do this, you need to talk to a professional and get yourself preapproved for a home loan. A mortgage preapproval, which is done through a lender, is like a green light for buying your first home. It will determine whether your credit and income are sufficient for obtaining a home loan, and it will provide you with an accurate amount for which you can spend on a home. In short, a mortgage preapproval will arm you with the information you need to purchase a home. A mortgage preapproval, in addition to providing you with the information necessary for purchasing a Cordillera Ranch property, is important for a number of other reasons:

  • Many real estate agents will only work with buyers who are preapproved for a mortgage because, in simplest terms, they don’t want to waste their time showing a buyer a home, only to find out they can’t get approved for a loan of that size, or they cannot get approved for a loan at all. Therefore, one of the first things a realtor will ask you before working with you is if you have been preapproved for a mortgage.
  • Many sellers and seller’s agents do not want to show homes to buyers who have not been preapproved for a mortgage – Again, sellers and seller’s agents only want to spend time with buyers who are capable of buying their home.
  • A mortgage preapproval shows everyone you are a serious buyer – If you submit an offer on a home without a mortgage preapproval, chances are it will be declined. Sellers want to see that you’ve already done your homework and that you’re ready to come to the table with a serious offer; and a mortgage preapproval shows you’re serious.
  • A mortgage preapproval may give you more bargaining and negotiating power – If you put in an offer on a Cordillera Ranch home with a mortgage preapproval, and another buyer, without a mortgage preapproval, puts in an offer, it is more like the seller will entertain and accept your offer over the buyer without the preapproval. This is because your offer comes with an insurance policy that says the seller can comfortably accept your offer without fear of the sale not going through.
Posted by Richard Soto on
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