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If you are planning to relocate to San Antonio and you have children in the family, one of your top concerns is whether the schools in the area are good. It is very typical for parents to make sure that their children get a quality education, especially if they will be exposed to a new place and environment. Well, you should be glad to know that there are several schools in San Antonio where your children can learn and enjoy.

San Antonio Schools - ISD

5 Best School Districts you can Choose from in San Antonio

1. Randolph Field Independent School District

Overall Grade: A+

Randolph Field Independent School District is highly regarded in academics and sports. Elementary students are already exposed to extracurricular activities such as theatre clubs, young…

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You might have heard that San Antonio is a shopper’s paradise. Actually, it’s considered one of America’s top 10 shopping destinations, so it’s true. If you’re looking for great shopping, it’s heard to beat San Antonio.

Neighborhood Shopping in Alamo Heights

You could visit a mall, but shoppers in the know in San Antonio know that the city’s best shopping is in the neighborhood shops in Alamo Heights. The neighborhood is brimming with boutiques, spas, and trendy market shops that cater to any shopping indulgence. Popular destinations include Lucchese Boot Company, Julian Gold, and Penny Lane. But there are so many more places to hit for luxury clothes, perfume, shoes, jewelry, and even art.

The Shops at La Cantera

This open-air mall in the La…

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Let’s just all acknowledge that being in Texas gives one a hankerin’ for really good barbecue. Fortunately, it also gives one access to really good barbecue. In fact, it may be harder to choose which BBQ joint to pick from the bevy of low-lying fruit.


Well, don’t say we’re not here to help. Check out a few of these top-notch BBQ places in the San Antonio area.

Smoke Shack Barbecue

Every city in Texas claims to have the BBQ to end all BBQ. We’ll leave that much up to you, but believe us when we say that if you want the best ‘cue in San Antonio, you need to drop by the Smoke Shack food truck on Nacogdoches Road. If you don’t believe us, believe pretty much everybody else, because we’re all saying the same thing. You can’t find anything here…

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No other city in Texas does the holiday season like San Antonio. A tailor-made backdrop of beautiful nature and architectural splendor lend the festivities a unique aura, from simple tree lightings to the indescribably delicious food.

Lights and Parades

            Light the Way, Nov. 22 – Jan. 6, citywide: San Antonio’s historic streets and the River Walk get a bold, bright makeover for the holidays. There are, literally, more than a million lights glimmering from Thanksgiving through New Year’s.  You’ll see something new every time you go out and look. The light show formally begins at the University of Incarnate Word campus, with the "A Cardinal Christmas" on Nov. 22 at 7:30 p.m.

            Holiday Parade, Nov. 28,  7 p.m. San Antonio River:…

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San Antonio is home to two Texas landmarks. One, of course, is the Alamo, and the other is the tallest structure south of Houston, the Tower of the Americas. But we’re talking about skyscraper buildings here, and the Tower is the city’s famed observation deck. From up here, you can see these other Texas-sized buildings, the tallest skyscrapers in San Antonio.

1. Bank of America Plaza

At 387 feet, the BOA Plaza tower is the fifth-largest building in town. The building opened in 1984 as Interfirst Bank Plaza, and measures 28 stories.

2. The Tower Life Building

Perhaps the most beautiful, most “San Antonio” of the city’s skyscrapers is it’s fourth-largest building, the Tower Life Building. This landmark began construction in 1927 and opened in 1929.…

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Say it ain’t so ‒‒ the beautiful River City? Cradle of Texas freedom? Bogged down by traffic congestion to make grown men weep into their steering wheels?

Alas, ‘tis true. San Antonio has a traffic problem, and not just San Antonians know it. According to TRIP, a D.C.-based transportation research group, San Antonio has five of the top 50 most “pressing transportation challenges” in Texas. So try not to be surprised that some areas of the city are graveyards for forward momentum in the car

1. I-410 between San Antonio International Airport at (US-281) and I-35

Probably the most famous highway in San Antonio, the 410 is not always famous in a good way. And this seven-mile stretch is probably the worst piece of it. Lots of cars driving rather fast…

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It’s hard to not think positive thoughts when it comes to the Spurs. The only Texas major sports team going into this coming season as a champion and (many consider) dynasty team is a tough one to find fault with. Almost as tough as finding fault with the city real estate market, which, like the Spurs, just seems to be getting better and better with time.


So let’s not find fault. Let’s go out on a pretty strong limb here ‒‒ yes, the Spurs are and will be as hot as the city’s real estate market. Both the housing market and the team have been basking in the glow of positive coverage and good vibes for a few years now, and there’s no sign of either loosening its grip on the public’s heart.

Even with the new pieces of the Spurs puzzle, 2014-15…

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Whether your kids are looking forward to going back to school or not, there’s no reason for them to look out of style. If you want them to look their best for a brand new year, you can’t go wrong with these San Antonio malls.

1.North Star Mall

Considered the best mall in San Antonio by TripAdvisor, North Star is almost an old friend to the city. This uptown mall features 200-plus specialty stores and major anchors, including Dillard's, J.C. Penney, Macy's, Saks Fifth Avenue, and Forever 21, so if you can’t find it here for back-to-school, it probably doesn’t exist. By the way, this is the mall with the famous cowboy boots sculpture by Texas artist Bob "Daddy-O" Wade.

2. South Park Mall

On the south side of Alamo City is South Park Mall. This mall…

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There is, perhaps, no better place to spend Christmas than in San Antonio. From holiday exhibits, parades and even lights to impress even the hardest to impress, Christmas in San Antonio is spectacular, so say the least. The best to really experience all the best that Christmas in San Antonio has to offer is to get out there and see for yourself what all the talk is about. Here is a list of our favorite San Antonio Christmas events that the whole family is sure to love!

  • Of course, the holidays wouldn’t be complete without a trip to the famed River walk. The River Walk is adorned in more than 100,000 twinkling lights and more than 6,000 luminaries during the Fiesta de la Luminarias, a hundreds-year-old tradition that begins at dusk every Friday,…

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We love Christmas in San Antonio, probably because there are so many things to see and do! Make sure and take the time to enjoy just a few of the many San Antonio activities during the holiday season and, by all means, stop to enjoy the San Antonio Christmas sites! Here are a few of the San Antonio Christmas sites you won’t want to miss:

  • The River Walk is, without a doubt, one of the most popular holiday attractions in San Antonio, as it is transformed every Christmas into a holiday wonderland! Don’t forget to stop at the Museum Ranch section to catch the underwater light displays! Magnificent!
  • Everyone knows about Ed Clark’s House in San Antonio, as this is the place where Ed Clark and his wife have put up elaborate Christmas decorations and lights…

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