San Antonio, Texas Real Estate Blog & Market News - Commercial

As a business owner, you stand to gain a lot from saving energy in your office. Aside from cost reduction, an improved image and a cleaner conscience are just some of the benefits of cutting down on energy at work.

However, saving energy is sometimes easier said than done. Here are some things you can do to save energy at work and get all of your employees involved and motivated to achieve this goal.

#1 Assign green monitors.

Have certain people monitor or check energy usage or compliance to your energy-saving measures. Depending on the size and structure of your commercial real estate business, you can assign monitors by floor or department, for example, and have them rotate from time to time.

#2 Award good behavior.

Conduct spot…

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The commercial real estate market in San Antonio has certainly been on the uptick in recent months, thanks to a rebounding economy and lower unemployment rates.  So it may be time to, once again, consider investing in the commercial real estate market.San Antonio Commercial real estate

Before you dive in, however, it may be best to first ask yourself a few questions to determine if you are ready to invest in the commercial real estate market or if you should wait by the sidelines a bit longer:

Am I prepared to manage commercial real estate?

For many people interested in commercial real estate, the biggest roadblock is managing the properties. Yes, you can certainly pay someone to do this for you, but then you are cutting out a large portion of your investment return. Instead, it may…

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Currently the real estate business all over America has been showing signs of picking up steam again, but not in the traditional sense. You might say that large warehouse manufacturing real estate is not the typical hot spot any longer, but short term leasing to fulfill local or federal contracts with the government have been helping build up the San Antonio commercial real estate market currently.

The reasons vary for large parcels not being needed any longer, but the main one is that outsourcing to other countries is still a less expensive alternative than creating the same products locally. San Antonio is starting to show up on the business real estate radar a little more frequently, as the city offers a combination of low cost of doing business, and…

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As of early 2010, some 220,000 square feet of San Antonio office space comprising nearly 19 percent of available office space in the city remains vacant, posing a serious problem for commercial property owners.  Curiously, the per square foot cost of renting office space in San Antonio has increased some 17 cents per square foot since the last quarter of 2008, to a median cost of $20.41 per square foot as of this writing. However, under current market conditions landlords frequently will make concessions to a prospective tenant that may offset some of the rental cost.

An upturn in the nation’s economy coupled with the city’s friendly business climate and the commitment to San Antonio shown by such companies as Wells Fargo and the Tesoro Corporation,…

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The San Antonio commercial real estate market, despite the upward momentum of the residential real estate market, is still struggling through the foreclosure mess. Unfortunately, the San Antonio commercial real estate market still makes up a large section of the San Antonio economy.

Where are the New Commercial Construction Projects?

Because the San Antonio commercial real estate market continues to decline due to the number of foreclosures, the number of new commercial construction projects continues to struggle. However, amidst all of the problems surrounding the slow rate of new commercial construction projects and the tight lending standards that have inhibited builders from starting new construction jobs, the medical industry has come to save…

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The San Antonio commercial real estate market is many things, and lately one word to describe it is unique. Even as sales and activity continue to pick up in the San Antonio commercial real estate market, rent prices continue to fall. According to NAI REOC San Antonio, asking rents for the fourth quarter of 2009 in San Antonio were down 26 cents to $17.85 per square foot, when compared to asking prices in the same quarter of 2008.

Rental Prices Continue to Drop

With an excess of supply in the San Antonio commercial real estate market, landlords have been forced to drop their prices. Although 26 cents isn’t a huge decrease in price, it becomes quite significant when dealing with large spaces.

Moving Towards a Stable Market

However, even amidst…

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There have been some positive signs for the San Antonio office space market. From the debut of the headquarters for the local company Tesoro Corporation and the consolidation of operations for Wells Fargo, these moves are being seen as very positive signs for the San Antonio economy.  However, these positive signs for the economy left more than 220,000 square feet of office space vacant. 

Combine that with the highest office space vacancy in years for San Antonio, and it’s clear to see that San Antonio has a bit of an office space issue. In fact, the end of the third quarter of 2009 brought on San Antonio’s highest office space vacancy rate in five years – 18.4 percent. In comparison, the vacancy rate for San Antonio office space was 14.2 percent for…

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Are you hunting for San Antonio commercial lease space, but you’re not sure where to start? The San Antonio commercial lease spacemarket is the place to be for renters because there is a high vacancy rate and the lease rates are quite reasonable. There are a slew of major differences between commercial leases and residential leases, so it pays to understand the ins and outs of a commercial real estate lease before signing on the dotted line. Questions to ask when seeking commercial lease space:

  • What is the rent price, and what increases are expected?
  • What is the security deposit and what are the conditions for the return of the deposit?
  • What is the length of the lease? Is this negotiable?
  • What does my rent cover? Does it cover utilities, taxes…

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San Antonio commercial real estate is still struggling, make no doubt about it. The number of San Antonio commercial properties that fell into foreclosure in 2009 is a clear indication that this sector of the real estate market in San Antonio has a long way to go.  Commercial foreclosures for San Antonio commercial real estate rose nearly 55 percent during 2009; in other words, there were 863 commercial property foreclosures in San Antonio in 2009, compared with 557 in 2008. Throughout all of the trouble that the San Antonio commercial real estate market is experiencing – and is likely to experience in the months ahead – economists note that the trends of the past year can’t even hold a candle to the real estate collapse of the 1980s.


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The San Antonio commercial real estate market isn’t all bad news: it’s just that banks are still being stingy when it comes to commercial loans.  In fact, most of the lending in San Antonio’s commercial sector is coming from the refinancing of existing debt; not for the construction of new projects. So, how do we break out of the cycle that left the commercial real estate market in San Antonio at a veritable stand still in 2009?

How to Break the Cycle

First of all, the lenders must begin to ease off the tough restrictions, thereby enabling builders and developers to obtain financing. Lenders must also be willing to put up a larger percentage and demand more realistic returns. Members of the 2009 Community Development Summit, which was recently hosted…

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