San Antonio, Texas Real Estate Blog & Market News - Buyer Tips

How many times has it happened to you that you like a house and the seller told you that it is in good condition and indeed it does look in good condition too but after some time you start to face problems related to sink, leek, cracks on walls and many more. Well obviously there is a way to find out about the quality of the house before you choose to purchase it and that i and what happens during home inspection? To know more through the help of “home inspection”. You must be wondering what home inspection is regarding this topic keep reading this article till the end.    

What Is Home Inspection? 

A home inspector is a professionally qualified person who inspect the entire house and look for the problems that you can not see with your eyes. You…

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Even in this age of savvy homeowners, summer vacation remains a time when burglars do their best business. Fortunately, a few prevention tips can help keep you from becoming a target for crooks.

Keep Your Plans Off Facebook

Social media is as great for finding out you won’t be home for a week as it is for catching up with old friends. Even if your privacy settings are top-notch, a wily crook can gain access to your feed and see that you won’t be anywhere near home. Worse, he knows exactly when you’ll be gone and exactly when you’re coming back, so he can take his sweet time checking out your home.

Forget the Hidden Keys

The word is out about stashing spare house keys under door mats or in fake rocks. Burglars are at least smart enough to know…

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Energy efficiency means exactly what it sounds like ‒‒ doing more by using less energy. When it comes to your home, energy efficiency can bring several benefits, not the least being a more comfortable home that stays mild in the harshest summer weather and the deepest winter chills. And the benefits of owning an energy-efficient home aren’t just good for you and your family. They’re good for your wallet, your neighborhood, and even the nation.

Environmentally Friendly

When your home is energy efficient, you get the benefit of a clear conscience. You know that you are creating and emitting less energy and lowering your carbon footprint. Energy efficient homes put less waste into the atmosphere and cause less waste product from utility providers.


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As a buyer, it is important to be able to narrow down your home options when house hunting. But it is also important not to ignore a great home because you didn’t take the time to check out its potential. Here is a list of things you will want to pay close attention to when house hunting for a North Dallas property, and a list of things that you probably shouldn’t give too much of your time:

What to Look For

  • Any signs of foundation problems (cracks in the foundation) - Foundation problems can be dramatic in terms of costs, and many home buyers simply don’t want to get caught up in a home with major problems, such as the foundation.
  • Any signs of water problems (stained walls or ceilings) - If you see water marks anywhere on the ceilings in the home…

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There are many decisions that must be made before purchasing a home. In fact, it may seem downright overwhelming to think of all the decisions that must be made. However, simply by answering a number of questions you can develop the strategies you need to move forward with your Spring Branch homepurchase:

  • Am I able to move/Do I really want to move? Before you actually make the decision to buy, it is always best to decide if moving is actually the right decision for you. Are you in a good financial position to buy?  Is it feasible to buy at this time?  Have you talked with your family to make sure everyone is on the same page? Asking yourself whether you are realistically able to move or ready to move may seem like a no-brainer, but it pays to take a…

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Although a home’s structure is a very important part of purchasing a home, there are other factors beyond the home’s four walls that also play an important part when deciding whether a New Braunfels propertyis right for you:

  • Yard – Even if a yard isn’t a very big deal to you in terms of your next home purchase, you will want to examine it to make sure it provides you with adequate privacy and personal space. For example, a home on a corner lot may seem like a great idea until you realize that your backyard is very small and is up against the neighbor’s backyard, thereby providing you with very little privacy. If you have small children, consider whether the yard’s location is safe and secured, and whether it is near a busy street or intersection.

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Shopping for your first home will likely be both an exciting and overwhelming endeavor. After all, making the biggest purchase you will likely ever make is bound to come with its share of worries! However, if you break down the process of searching for your first home into manageable parts you can accomplish the goal of finding your first home without too much anxiety and stress. Here’s how to get started:

  • Get pre-approved – The very first thing on every buyer’s list should be getting preapproved for a mortgage for a property. A preapproval for a mortgage is a very important first step, as it provides the buyer with the information necessary to move forward with the buying process. It allows the buyer to understand whether they have the credit to…

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Buying in today’s market has many advantages, and a few challenges. Because of this, now may be a great time for you to consider either purchasing your first home or your next  home. And here’s why:

  • There is a large selection of available homes – Keeping in line with a traditional buyer’s market, there is a nice selection of available homes on the market. Because of this, you can expect to see any number of homes that fit in your price range. Of course, this makes shopping for a new home much easier, and better ensures you will find exactly what you are looking for.
  • Home prices are still very affordable – Although the recent trends show that home prices are once again gaining steam, they are still incredibly affordable, thereby allowing home buyers…

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The Alamo Heights real estate market is healthy and active, and it seems as if the worst of the housing slump is behind us. Interest rates are low, home choices are plentiful and real estate prices remain low. So, what are you waiting for? Isn’t it time you found yourself a little piece of the Alamo Heights real estate market? Many renters grapple with the decision to buy; and, let’s face it, buying isn’t for everyone.  However, for many renters, it just makes good sense to purchase a home in the Alamo Heights real estate market. And here’s why:

  1. A home offers you pride in homeownership – Many homeowners state that they purchased their first home so that they can enjoy a better quality of life. Along with a better quality of life comes pride in…

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Purchasing a home today is far different than it was even a few years ago. Now, buyers have begun recognizing the value of the Internet and the time and money it can save them. The Internet may very well be your best resource when shopping for a new home. In fact, the Internet can prove to be incredibly useful during every step of the home buying way. From searching for Terrell Hills homesto finding the mortgage that best meets your financial needs, the Internet can be your best friend when shopping for a home. Here are just a few of the way in which you may use the power of the Internet to purchase a Terrell Hills property:

  • Find a real estate agent – Many of today’s real estate agents have made a point to develop an Internet presence. From…

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