Benefits of Energy Efficient Homes

Energy efficiency means exactly what it sounds like ‒‒ doing more by using less energy. When it comes to your home, energy efficiency can bring several benefits, not the least being a more comfortable home that stays mild in the harshest summer weather and the deepest winter chills. And the benefits of owning an energy-efficient home aren’t just good for you and your family. They’re good for your wallet, your neighborhood, and even the nation.

Environmentally Friendly

When your home is energy efficient, you get the benefit of a clear conscience. You know that you are creating and emitting less energy and lowering your carbon footprint. Energy efficient homes put less waste into the atmosphere and cause less waste product from utility providers.

Less Expensive

Apart from the environmental benefits of using less energy, the most obvious benefit of energy efficiency is cost savings. Energy-efficient houses are simply cheaper to own. Utility bills get lower per month, equipment that runs efficiently doesn’t wear out as quickly, and, because energy-efficient homes tend to better filter out dust and pollens, your visits to the pharmacy for medicines can drop significantly.

A Smart Investment

Energy-efficient homes are a wise investment for more than just the cost savings of owning one. They also tend to command better resale values if you decide to move. And many energy-efficient systems, such as solar roofing and radiant barriers, can increase the resale value of a home by selling the much-loved benefit of owning a home that’s off the grid.

Good for the Economy

When it comes to the financial benefits of an energy-efficient home, the good news doesn’t stop with you. Green energy contracting is a booming arm of the construction business, meaning the more energy efficiency you espouse, the more you’re helping the economy by putting green professionals to work. According to the Alliance to Save Energy, energy efficiency accounted for more than 830,000 jobs nationwide in 2012, and the push for greater efficiency in home systems is spurring competition and innovative products from companies from light bulb makers to heating system manufacturers.

National Security

Saving energy is about more than saving money. One of the chief benefits of energy efficiency is reducing reliance on foreign energy and petroleum products producers. This in turn cuts down on the dangerous shipping and transport of fossil fuels and could ultimately puts American troops at less risk, as they would not have to be dispatched to volatile regions of the world.

Posted by Richard Soto on
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